Super Easy Timer Icon-400.png

Super Easy Timer - Press Kit

The intelligent countdown timer for Mac.

Super Easy Timer Hero.gif

Use Natural Language

Create countdown timers easily with natural language processing. Type natural phrases to start a timer:

  • "20 minutes"
  • "90 seconds"
  • "3 hours 30 minutes"

Update Timers

Modify the countdown duration while the timer is active by typing:

  • "add 30 minutes"
  • "remove 10 minutes"
  • "reset"
Super Easy Timer - Add Time.gif

Super Easy Timer - 5pm.gif

Countdown to Happy Hour

Set timers quickly to a specific time (5pm), so that you can focus.

  • "5pm"
  • "12:45pm" for 12-hour clock
  • "18:00" for 24-hour clock

Super Easy Timer is a quick and easy to use timer for Mac!

Super Easy Timer is a text-based timer that uses natural language to create countdown timers (i.e.: Type "20 minutes" + Enter).

The intelligent timer can understand English to create a timer, update the timer, and reset a timer.

You can quickly change an active countdown timer, even when it's counting down, and you can easily reset it if you aren't ready to start.

No menus, no sliders — simply natural text to control your countdown timer.


  1. Super Easy Timer is a single timer
  2. Natural language input. To set a 30 minute timer type: "30 minutes", "30 min", "30m", or "30"
  3. Pause/resume any timer
  4. Timers will repeat until you stop them (Preferences)
  5. Quickly reset the active timer with the reset button or by pressing: "Command + R"
  6. Add or remove time to an active timer: "add 2 hours" or "remove 30 mins"
  7. Create a countdown timer to a specific time: "2pm"
  8. Add custom alarm sounds (Preferences)
  9. Dark and light themes
  10. Always on top mode
  11. Mini-mode, resizable timer, and full-screen support
  12. Minimized Dock icon updates with remaining time
  13. Menu bar to show time and provide common actions (optional)
  14. Low CPU usage for extended battery life
  15. Press "Command + /" for Help


  • macOS 10.12+


Super Easy Timer is $2.99 (40% off limited time from $4.99)


  • Super Easy Timer is written using Swift 4 and Xcode 9.


None of the existing Mac App Store timers were quick and easy to use. Either they used outdated UI components, or had UX and UI issues that made it more difficult to use.

We felt that we could contribute a better timer, that was reliable (well-tested), and was quick to start or change.

Paul uses Super Easy Timer to get into the writing and coding zone by leveraging 25 minute timers for the Pomodoro technique.

Super Easy Timer enables unstructured timing, which is essential for open ended office work.

How is it being used?

Customer Quotes

"I love the App! I've tried it on a few events with no issues." - Bruce

"I have used and will use it mostly in my courses to help students keep track of their time on discussion and applied practices, as well as during office meetings so that it is my timer (and not me, necessarily) telling people the meeting is over and I need to get back to work (a big weakness of mine)." - Jed

"Like it. Using it everyday. Works great." - Mike

"Worked great for sons test!" - Darren

"I've just played around with it a few minutes and it's, as you say, super easy. I have to moderate a panel of speakers at a conference tomorrow, so was looking for a simple timer and came across your app. I'll give it a run tomorrow. Straight off, I like the easy repeat option, as I'll have 10 speakers each speaking for five minutes. Nice to simply type in the time, no scrolling through menus." - Dan

"I am very happy with it, it will be very useful for my studies." - Braian

Download the Press Kit

You can download the .gifs, screenshots, description, and app icon below:

Super Easy Timer Press Kit

About Super Easy Apps

Super Easy Apps is an indie development studio that creates iOS and Mac apps. Paul Solt leads the development in addition to teaching coding courses, and contract software development.

Super Easy Apps

In the near future, we’ll be launching Brew Coffee, a easy to use coffee recipe app for pour-over coffee snobs (Chemex + Hario V60).